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Note: Text in italics denotes what the voice line actually sounds like, if the in-game subtitle is wrong, or if the voice line doesn't have any in-game subtitles.

Sound Subtitles Description
Listen here, filthy human. As long as you spend your time, in this room, you should do everything I say. I will show you a book, and you should find the book, and I will not release you until you give me what I want. This is my library, this is my territory, and you will do what I want, or what I say. Now go, and find me this book. Plays when the protagonist enters Erie's library for the very first time. (This line can only be heard once, unless you delete your save files.)
I will repeat this speech as much, as I want, and you will listen it every time you start this level again. And you can't do anything, nasty human. Plays when the protagonist enters Erie's library for the first time in this run, if the previous line has already been said.
Find me this book. Plays when Erie gives the protagonist a book to find, after she has already been here before in the same run.
Alright, you can go now. Plays when the protagonist gives Erie the correct book.
This is wrong book. Plays when the protagonist gives Erie the wrong book.
Put it back wherever you found it. Plays when Angell gives Erie the lube bottle.
mmm... Plays when Angell gives Erie photo1.
Yeah. and? You want to wear this? Too bad, it's too big for you. Plays when Angell gives Erie her clothes.
I don't want to eat. Plays when Angell gives Erie a food item.
Where did you find this? I don't want to see this bullshit anymore! Plays when Angell gives Erie the "BBiEaL" book.
Alice's phone? I haven't seen her for a long time. uh. Graphic key is a top left corner, top right, bottom right, bottom left, up, and the middle. If you want to play games. It's pretty boring here. Plays when Angell gives Erie the Mobile phone.

Sound Subtitles Description
Listen now, you are here to do what I say. I will show you a book, and you will find this book, and I will not release you until you give me what I want. This is my library, this is my place, this is my territory, and you will do what I want, or what I say. Now bring your ass to bookshelves, and bring me this book. Plays when Ere catches Angell in her library for the first time.
I will repeat this speech as much as i want.
You will listen it every time you launch this level.
And you can't do anything,
useless meat sack.

I will repeat this speech as much as I want. And you will listen it every time you start this level again. You can't do anything, useless meat sack.

Plays every other time Erie catches Angell.
This is wrong book. Plays when Angell gives Erie a wrong book.
You can go now, but you will come back again, when i call you. Plays when Angell gives Erie the book she requested.
Come back. Immediatly.[sic] Plays a while after Angell has left Erie's library, prompting her to come back.
Find me this book. Plays when Angell returns to Erie's library and she requests another book.
Too late. Plays when Erie closes the library because Angell took too long to come back.
F**k off! Plays when Erie closes the library because Angell brought her too many incorrect books.
Ow, big thangs to you cutie,
i lost my comix book
screw this useless work,
screw you viktor.
Plays when the protagonist provides Erie a certain book.
You start to annoy me. It's unknown when this plays.

Sound Subtitles Description
Listen now, you are here to do what I say. I will show you a book, you will find this book, and I will not release you until you give me what I want. This is my library, this is my books, this is my place, this is my territory. I do what I want, and you will do what I want, and obey me and my rules: don't run, don't litter, don't eat or drink, be quiet, don't be stupid, and be fast. I hate slow-life creatures. And now, give me this book, grab this from bookshelves. Plays when the Librarian catches the protagonist in her library for the first time.
I will repeat this speech as much as i want.
You will listen every time you launch this level.
And you can't do anything with this,
useless meat sack.
Plays when Erie catches the protagonist in her library for the first time in following runs.
You think I can't see what you're doing here? Need to hear rules again? Don't run, don't litter, don't eat, don't drink, be quiet, don't be stupid, and be fast. You have one warning - the last warning. This is quite enough. You think you'll fairytale? Once again you break the rules, you know what will happens with you. Now you will bring me books every time. This is your punishment for now. Plays when Erie catches the protagonist breaking her rules.
How dare you. This is wrong book. Plays when the protagonist gave Erie a book she didn't request.
Do not bring this shit to me anymore. Plays when the protagonist gave Erie a book she didn't request.
Come back when I call you, and better be faster. Plays when the protagonist gave Erie the book she asked for.
Come back. Now. Plays when Erie wants the protagonist to come back.
Find this book. Plays when the protagonist returns to the library.
I'm tired what you bring to me wrong books everytime,
this library is closed now.
Plays when the protagonist is escorted out of the library for repeatedly giving Erie books she doesn't want.

These are said by Erie during the Christmas Curse DLC.


Said at the beginning of the level.

Sound Subtitles Description
Hi, this dumbass sent you to help me?
With my single claw is difficult to decorate trees, i wonder what he sent someone.
So, if you going to help
I tell you what to do.
First, you need to get pine in bag, it located in big closet.
Then, you need decorations. lights, tensil, and toys.
Boxes with tensil and ligts placed on floor. toys in little box.
There is few places when you need to place pines.
Also help to Cleany, he need to decorate windows.
he get's to trouble, and lost his costume, and now he just wearing red hat.
And go to head teacher, she said what to do.
I don't know something other, i only do pines.
Plays when the protagonist inquires Erie about what to do.
Oh sorry, i think you need this.
And last question...
Do you like my costume?
Plays when the protagonist inquires Erie about the Toy Box.
(thank you x6)
You and alice are the best of all!
Plays when the protagonist replies yes.
i think...
i propably...
i should get tried...
little bit...
i will go...
more important...
Plays when the protagonist replies no.
Enraged Quotes

One of them is said at random when a gingerbread man trashes the tree Erie is currently working on.

Sound Subtitles

Said after one of the possible endings has been initiated.

Sound Subtitles Description
Phonty, what are you doing? No! calm down! Don't be like that! Please. Stop! Plays after the protagonist replies no while Erie and Phonty are at the table together when Phonty emerges out of anger.
No, what did you do. Why? She didn't do anything bad! Plays when Phonty bowls over the protagonist.
What about me? Plays after Viktor says "you did it" if the protagonist had said yes.
Oh, Htank you.
I did not expect this from you.
Plays after Viktor gives Erie her present.
Again with your jokes? Plays after Erie opens the fake present if the protagonist had said yes.
Thank you thank you very very much!
Plays when Erie opens her real present, which only happens if the protagonist had said yes.

What is this?
Why this should be funny!?
I tired of your stupid jokes!
Tired of memes on walls!
Behind windows!
Between walls!
And everywhere where matter can exist.
But this offend me so much!
F u and your jokes!
Plays after Erie opens the fake present if the protagonist had said no.
Sorry. I'm just not in mood. Plays when Viktor talks to Erie after she storms out.
Ok. Plays after Viktor tells Erie to return to the table.

Sound Subtitles Description
I guess you are my little pogchamp. Plays when Erie is interacted with.

Sound Subtitles Description
Russian grammar. Good. Nice. Yes. MS Paint is good for anything easy stuff, like solving color, pixels, or messages. Antibreather. For example, (loud noise) These are just test lines.
The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, (loud noise)
That was good.
Did you like it?
You're welcome.
*random noises*
mbs4 *(#&0fkd4 *(#&0ooriepwtuiorncxv;4 *(#&0cvnadfgowpoyuotin4 *(#&0nvcxjkvnzxvnk;dfjghweortuoijaacklcmnzvxbpg/dflks ;lkajf]c[auw *RU 8 3vu968 u{PA F{0 uvq0eu4-0 gvfhasd87tny68g7ae[erw]tbw\ert\wtwvm]erta]0e97tvp234u5gpafdh awpef1n9n8y59vpw sdpohgsodfhsgjkh v[98537904b PH ASPOIFHPh pv3947089 V-9857-9QB6U 8Y[87-5932 bih pres[hoitopyip[oqewirvnzcvnasd;ngoiur-0689034tgjksgat-094 *(#&034u9jv38q-v4umdfgh1,x-04m=bu8-wu9mx9102ix=0 r90g u082309948jf 90vm640qm=0i ==295 305=4015468 b7-4gsoifg95m2398,adsfkpogjv5m4wu8609284ivigjrhhrth56y93jf ivfhsopidfhcm35407239m 4 (#&0%2 5928y P(y52h3po9832 (7098u58u2 98Y(P( 5y034yq b4690y (^05y036y57 Y&0874vnynostyuiy486 &^(& 780v4ny0y2yYRoiuenq8v6043285734ht*)&EE^Tn 03w4 v6076a708yn7&YD)&TY32b5970 na9vyf0wqe5nc18096)6 80vn 5y q29-385 vDurh fi v hfdslkjth1v903n854ygg v9as8f heawphtoierhtr98342nvYET Ptuiphvq304798560v98eshfp LIUHIUQ 87Y8R0SD7T YVREUOITH p y8675 % &Yfh34vn7# (5vn293vn (()#@nb9v7n3489 932908vn034u9jv38q-v4umdfgh1,x-04m=bu8-wu9mx9102ix=0 r90g u082309948jf 90vm640qm=0i ==295 305=4015468 b7-4g942590v 998VVN94V678N098VN9870q9867489067 hasldgh2n3y0y 9Y98876987BVYUgofhv65NBu907V5M-7v59q3u4pt8rphgfksdhgbm3v984my 696a ghlhsmp9y2v9f9stoifdhrepbw(SYe09TY983yv0n98(NSDNT(PYn98dy0enwt9n34986 bopidsg( &$(67w95 ohHTIUGHPSiu ygpnv9w4698u mbs98u {MU -d98s7bt-w5 p6yas980tqucm09857483097vm0SDYF HDpgayv9rn8790386ub uoagv aorithpaoriut098gw7n6uq-4v8730 dfh gpoYP(8ey9 b6p8ufm98uet98tautdmu3w9p8ummv-89w87miudoIMPG YDb093r750982748 vioOHFadsighaiutvhn0932698vu shflhaksjhdfpoiaudn98ns98u f98a9tu9803vg vshdghlldjhanvsdy0A NSFypiweqfm5u834907vmUS(PFyv e398p5u298fmasdfoiPT&q369874827098tvnasdgydynewuoity1094789 typhdgiuhaietn8bn13-q49857v yPY895vn3053489cupvdghpnaofuprq577y0uahlgzljdbfwOIU58097Q-SG9PTHGNDZJBFGUPIYGT78678TYTU[O'N;JBVOFOYDUYPAI]RJ3OP4TG08Q7VM99Yye89wtnv98qywyu98nv0t9up4g5ih43p3y5098v4vhljsdzb KGUIfypeoibyt0894392-457gnvsd hfjh alkshdluvyp3498n6y8vwyaehreuh52094376n09vysdufh uwhf 70we0t973457nvo8FLHSRLYTRPE98T7 SEX


Sound Description
Erie's coggrinds.